Human rights policy


Every one of us has a number of inalienable human rights, and we want to make sure those rights are respected in our business operations, our supply chains and the wider communities. 10 Degrees is committed to acting in a way that avoids infringing upon the rights of others, and preventing adverse human rights impact arising from our activities.

10 Degrees sets out the minimum requirements that everyone working for and with 10 Degrees must meet. We will always comply with applicable laws and respect the rule of law. In situations where there is a conflict between domestic legal requirements and international human rights norms, we will seek to uphold our company values and international norms and standards.

Our human rights policy is guided by various international human rights principles encompassed in:

This policy applies to all members of 10 Degrees, including all directors, officers, employees (whether employed on a temporary, fixed term, permanent or part-time basis), workers and contractors. It is expected that suppliers, including self-employed contractors, comply with the law as a minimum and should do their utmost to comply with the principles of this policy.

Supplier due-diligence

All our suppliers must achieve the following fundamental principles in order to establish and maintain a business relationship with 10 Degrees:

We will only work with suppliers who are committed to achieving the above requirements. 

Equality and diversity

10 Degrees is committed to provide a safe and inclusive working environment where all people are treated fairly and with respect. For this reason, we have a specific policy which sets our commitments to Diversity and Inclusion. For more information on this, please refer to our Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Anti-Harassment Policy, and Modern Statement Policy.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

10 Degrees respects the right of our employees to join, or not join, a trade union in line with local legislation. We make it clear to staff that collective bargaining is allowed and require all our suppliers and partners to respect their employees’ right to freedom of association.

Labour rights

10 Degrees is committed to providing fair working conditions for all employees. This includes:

Empowering women through rights, skills, and opportunities

Women across the world face discrimination, lack of access to skills and training, poverty, and male violence. These all present themselves as major barriers to opportunities and active participation in the economy.

10 Degrees is committed to ensuring that women are an integral part of our business model and growth ambitions. We seek to create an environment where women are able to participate on an equal basis by respecting and upholding women’s rights and their economic inclusion. This extends to promotions, as well as opportunities to develop skills both in our own operations and our value chain.

The rights of our clients

10 Degrees respects and upholds the rights of our clients. This includes their right to:

If a client believes one of these rights has been breached, we’d encourage them to contact us at [email protected] for information on how we are able to deal with and provide remedies for breaches. In accordance with the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (or local acts when operating internationally) remedies may include repeat performances or price reductions where applicable.

Raising concerns

10 Degrees encourages anyone who believes that their rights have been breached by the company to raise a concern and do so anonymously if they so wish. This can be done internally through our whistleblowing procedure (please refer to our whistleblowing policy for more details), or by directly contacting [email protected].

External concerns may be raised by contacting [email protected].

Training and awareness

10 Degrees ensures that all relevant staff receive regular training in equality and diversity, anti-bribery and treating clients fairly, as well as any job specific training for safety risks.

Control and review

This policy will be monitored through regular auditing and/or workplace inspections as appropriate.

We will continually evaluate and review this policy (at least once annually), to ensure that our approach to addressing human rights is in line with 10 Degrees’ mission and values as well as any updates in legislation.